Meridians Acupuncture
Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine
With community and accessibility in mind, Meridians Acupuncture strives to serve the areas surrounding Castlegar, Nelson, and the Slocan Valley B.C.
Meridians Acupuncture offers both private individual acupuncture treatment from a home-based operation in the rural community of Glade, as well as community acupuncture through various community locations.
See the Services and Community sections for more information on what Meridians Acupuncture has to offer.
"When it comes to treatment, it is this interconnected system of meridians that offers us both a blueprint in understanding the body in health, and a tool of communication in influencing the body in these health processes"
Acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), operate on the understanding that the body is comprised of a network of interconnected pathways, of connected tissues and structure of the body such as muscles, tendons, joint and organs. It is through these connected tissues and structure that fundamental functions and processes of the body are facilitated. This network of pathways is known as the Meridians system or Meridians network, and each of these meridians, and their interplay, serve a crucial role in connectivity and regulation within the body, ensuring the body operates as an organic whole, in a healthy and balanced manner.
When it comes to treatment, it is this interconnected system of meridians that offers us both a blueprint in understanding the body in health, and a tool of communication in influencing the body in its health processes. Acupuncture elicits effects on health through activation of acupuncture points (areas in the body, along these meridians, that are especially responsive to stimulation). Through the stimulation of specific acupuncture points, acupuncture elicits an effect on specific meridians and the tissues and structures that comprise it. This effect that the stimulation of acupuncture points has is essentially the encouragement of intrinsic and innate regulating, self-healing abilities of the body.
Contact Cassandra at Meridians Acupuncture
You can use the contact form below to reach out with your questions, suggestion and more. Alternatively, call/text or email Cassandra using the contact information provided below. I strive to respond as soon as possible but please allow 24 hours for a response.
250 908 0706